Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sick Day

Charlie's got a little cold right now, and he's unusually clingy. I fully admit to enjoying it--he's so on the go these days we don't sit and cuddle nearly as much as we used to. When he's sick, however, I feel justified in sitting with him on my lap for hours while we read and watch Curious George. "Make a circle, Mommy," he demands, and I obligingly sit cross-legged to make a chair of myself. He snuggles in, wipes his nose on my shirt, and sighs contentedly. We sit, quiet and warm, our hearts beating together.

There's nothing I want in the world more than for him to grow up, to become a healthy, autonomous, adventurous adult who doesn't "need" his Mommy.

But please, let the time crawl between now and then. Because there's nothing better than cradling a warm bundle of love and snot in my lap.


Jacqueline said...

I totally understand the mixed emotions involved in watching children grow, and yet wanting to hang on as long as possible to the stage they are at.

Debra-Dawn said...

yeah, I had to laugh...


my 2 year old has a runny nose right now, and all morning I kept a small rogue sock in my hoodie's front pouch...

i whipped it out and wiped her nose whenever i could...

NOte: (I have 20 boxes of kleenex in my bathroom cabinet that i refuse to open...)

MY MIL bought them for my husband... he likes kleenex....

however I am working at being greener...

and a small matchless sock suits me just fine...
